Good Will is a Colombian company with extensive experience and technology in the manufacture of business and industrial equipment. Our mission is to convey your brand through employee uniforms. We are a factory of industrial footwear dedicated to the elaboration of products of the best quality and safety for workers.
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Work footwear is an essential product in the clothing of any employee, for that reason we specialize in the manufacture of comfortable and safe shoes to develop the activities that your company needs to perform.
Footwear wholesale
Whether it is for safety or for comfort at the time of work, the footwear is an essential element depending on the conditions to which our workers are exposed.
The manufacturing process of endowment footwear is quite regulated, since it is of vital importance to ensure the best protection for the worker and to avoid any possible risk when carrying out the corresponding tasks. For this reason, the relevant footwear is manufactured under different safety standards, making it an essential element of occupational safety.
Understanding this need in the market, we adapt our services for the manufacture of industrial footwear. However, we do have a retail branch in order to offer our customers options to purchase less than 30 pairs for their business endowment.

Who we are
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What we do
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
How we do this
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Your in good company
What type of footwear is suitable for work?
The footwear is an extremely important element within a company, since it provides safety and protection to workers. Providing high quality in this aspect is essential to be able to manage a continuous and safe work rhythm within the company, it also becomes part of the company’s identity and is reflected in the uniform and serves to identify the work group either in points of sale or offices.
There are different types of footwear that adapt to each work environment, providing safety in an adequate and esthetic way.
These are some types of shoes for work:
- Pantanal boots or wellington boots: this type of footwear is adapted to working conditions where there are health risks, cleanliness and even the possibility of slipping. These are boots that cover from the foot to the calf with a thick inner lining for the wearer’s comfort, boots without laces and with a non-slip sole. Made with micro fibers that do not allow water to enter the footwear, they are the ideal type of boot for working in the food industry, where you have to be in constant contact with liquids, grease, oil, water or ice. and temperatures as low as -20°C, or in constructions where mud, rain and storms are factors that can cause an occupational accident.
- Steel-toed boots: Maximum safety boots created for the production line sector where labor risk is high, reinforced at the toe and with padding from the heel to the ankle to avoid cuts or strong blows, anti-slip sole, water resistant and provides complete safety in the handling of risky elements.
- Sanitary footwear: This type of footwear is precisely adapted to jobs involved in the health sector, since this sector is one of those that spend the most time on their feet, comfort is essential for this type of footwear, in addition to avoiding the risk of falls due to slipping.
- Anti-static footwear: Electrical charges are part of the work environment of some workers, the accumulation of which can cause fires, explosions and losses. For this reason, the most suitable industrial shoes for workers facing this type of high-risk current are anti-static shoes. This type of footwear is incapable of receiving electrical charges, since the energy it receives is dissipated by the ground the worker is walking on. It has an upper limit to prevent electrostatic build-up and a lower limit to protect against accidental electrical contact.
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Quality and safety of footwear
The manufacture of protective footwear is very specific and focused on worker safety, in order to reduce as much as possible the occupational hazards that workers may face. For that reason, Good Will S.A.S. is focused on managing all aspects and specifications of work safety to deliver the best industrial footwear in the national market, offering different types of shoes for women and men. High quality footwear to make your workers feel comfortable and safe while wearing the uniform.
Good Will S.A.S. strives to manufacture footwear for workers that provides safety and dynamism to employees without neglecting the aesthetics and image that the employee gives about the company.
How do we work?
The manufacture of men’s and women’s footwear for staffing that your company needs will be in the best hands. Before distributing the product to your company, you will have a consultant who will be in charge of offering the ideal footwear for your company, based on the safety and comfort needed by your employees. This process is always done unless we have already made that product for you and you want to repeat it. After confirmation of the footwear, we will start the production and it will be delivered as agreed.
Our company has been awarded the ISO 9001 version 2015 quality seal. This means that all our processes are focused on having a high quality index. Thus ensuring that our industrial footwear will meet your company’s needs.
What is the purpose of using industrial footwear in my company?
The use of industrial footwear is essential to provide your employees with a safe and comfortable working environment that is suitable for the tasks they must perform. To provide identity to your employees, and security according to the law.
Safety at work is an indispensable factor within a company and footwear is the part of the equipment that provides the greatest safety. Providing your personnel with supplies is part of the legal requirements that you have as a company towards your workers, generally focused on site, production and manufacturing employees.
Do we manufacture other products besides endowment footwear?
Delivering uniforms to all your employees or industrial equipment is essential and that’s what we are here for, to help you in your supply process.
We are a factory of industrial and business endowment focused on the design, development and manufacture of any type of clothing. We not only manufacture wholesale footwear in Bogota, we also ship all over the country and manufacture other products.
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Where can you find us?
The manufacture of footwear in Bogota in addition to industrial and business equipment manufacturing, we ship wholesale to any part of the country. We specialize in consulting, manufacturing, sales and after-sales service. Our wholesale footwear factory is located in Bogota and we also ship throughout Colombia. However, if you want to contact us, you can write us an email here.
You can also contact us here
- PBX: 3666064 in Bogota
- Address: Carrera 10A # 19-29 south
- E-mail: